1. Spectroscopic Techniques for Far Infrared, Submillimeter and Millimeter Waves, D. H. Martin, ed., (North Holland Publishing Company Amsterdam, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1967).
2. The Detection and Measurement of Infrared Radiation, R.A. Smith, F.E. Jones, and R. P. Chasmar. (Oxford, 1968) 2nd ed.
3. A bridge circuit is sometimes used with a bolometer in each of two legs in order to cancel out the effect of a drift in the temperature TS. In this case radiation is allowed to hit only one of the bolometers.
4. For He temperature bolometers we can neglect the power radiated by the bolometer, as well as the noise generated by fluctuations in this radiation.
5. More exactly, it is the dynamic thermal conductance dP/dT which appears in the dynamic terms of (l) and the static conductance G which determines the operating temperature T. See Ref. 2 for a detailed discussion.