1. Science Applications, Inc., “Loss of Off-Site Power at Nuclear Power Plants: Data and Analysis,” EPRI NP-2301, Project 1233-1, Interim Report, March 1982.
2. R. E. Battle and D. J. Campbell, “Reliability of Emergency AC Power Systems at Nuclear Power Plants,” NUREG/CR-2989, July 1983.
3. F. E. Haskin, W. B. Murfin, J. B. Rivard, and J. L. Darby, “Analysis of a Hypothetical Core Meltdown Accident Initiated by Loss of Offsite Power for the Zion 1 Pressurized Water Reactor,” NUREG/CR-1988, December 1981.
4. C.D. Fletcher, “A Revised Summary of PWR Loss of Offsite Power Calculations,” EGG-CAAD-5553, September 1981.
5. R. R. Schultz and S. R. Wagoner, “The Station Blackout Transient at the Browns Ferry Unit One Plant A Severe Accident Sequence Analysis,” EGG-NTAP-6002, September 1982.