1. Trillat, J.J. and Haymann, P. (1961) in “Le Bombardement Ionique. Theories et applications”, Ed. J.J. Trillot (Editions du C.R.N.S., Paris) p.25.
2. Thompson, M.W. (1970) Proc. European Conf. on Ion Implantation, Reading (Peter Peregrines Ltd., Stevenage, England) p.109.
3. Crowder, B.L. and Tan, S.I. (1971) IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin 14, No. 1, 198.
4. International Conference on Applications of Ion Beams to Metals, Albuquerque, N.M., U.S.A., October 1973, edited by Picraux, S.T., EerNisse, E.P. and Vook, F. (Plenum Press, N.Y., 1974).
5. Bowden, P.P. and Tabor, D. “The Friction and Lubrication of Solids”. Oxford Univ. Press Part I (1950), Part II (1964).