1. J.D. Achenbach and A.N. Norris, “Loss of Specular Reflection due to Crack-Face Interaction,” to appear.
2. N.F. Haines, The Theory of Sound Transmission and Reflection at Contacting Surfaces, Report RD/B/N4711, (Central Electricity Generating Board, Research Division, Berkeley Nuclear Laboratories, Berkeley, England, 1980).
3. R.B. Thompson, C.J. Fiedler and O. Buck, Inference of Fatigue Crack Closure Stresses from Ultrasonic Transmission Measurements, Proc. Nondestructive Methods for Material Property Determination (April 6–8, 1983, Hershey, PA, Plenum Press, New York, in press).
4. O. Buck, B.J. Skillings, and L.K. Reed, Simulation of Closure: Effects on Crack Detection Probability and Stress Distributions, Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation 2, D.O. Thompson and D.E. Chimenti, Eds. (Plenum Press, New York, in press).
5. A.B. Wooldridge, The Effects of Compressive Stress on the Ultrasonic Response of Steel-Steel Interfaces and of Fatigue Cracks, Report NW/SSD/RR/42/79, (Central Electricity Generating Board, Northwestern Region, Manchester, England, 1979).