1. Schlee, S. B. 1973. The Edge of an Unfamiliar World (New York), chapters 1, 4, 7;
2. Burstyn, H. L. 1975. Seafaring and the emergence of American science, The Atlantic World of Robert G. Albion, Labaree, B. W., ed. (Middletown), 76–109, and articles on Ferrel (volume 4) and Pourtalès (volume 11) in the Dictionary of Scientific Biography, 15v. (New York, 1970–1978).
3. Burstyn, H. L. 1975. Seafaring and the emergence of American science, The Atlantic World of Robert G. Albion, Labaree, B. W., ed. (Middletown), 223–228
4. de Marsigli, L. F. 1725. Histoire physique de la mer (Amsterdam), 47. I take “government” to be the modern equivalent of Marsigli’s “Prince.”
5. Vaughan, T. W. 1936. Response of the Agassiz medallist. Science 83, 475–477.