1. Anderson, C. O., Jr., D. J. Brown, B. A. Ketschke, and E. M. Sawin. 1974. Progress Report — Numbers 10, 11, and 12. Investigations of the effects of electrical power generation on marine resources in Salem Harbor. Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, Boston, Massachusetts.
2. Anderson, C. O., Jr., D. J. Brown, B. A. Ketschke, and E. M. Elliott. 1975. Semi— Annual Report, Number 1A. Investigations of the effects of electrical power generation on marine resources in Salem Harbor. Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, Boston, Massachusetts.
3. Anderson, C. O., Jr., D. J. Brown, B. A. Ketschke, E. M. Elliott, and P. L. Rule. 1975. The effects of the addition of a fourth generating unit at the Salem Harbor Electric Station on the marine ecosystem of Salem Harbor. Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, Boston, Massachusetts. 47 pp.
4. Armstrong, N. E., E. F. Gloyna, and B. J. Copeland. 1968. Ecological aspects of stream pollution, p. 83–95. In E. F. Gloyna and W. W. Eckenfelder (ed.): Advances in Water Quality Improvement. University of Texas Press, Austin, Texas.
5. Bechtel Corporation. 1968. Salt water use and waterfront development for Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station. Pilgrim Station Report Number 600. Boston Edison Company, Boston, Massachusetts.