1. H. Yada and K. Kawashima, “Important Metallurgical Parameters that must be Determined to Control the Properties of Steels During Processing”, presented at the 2nd Int. Symposium on the Nondestructive Characterization of Materials, Montreal, July 21–23, 1986, to be published (Plenum Press).
2. K.K. Kappmeyer and W. Rail, “Process Control Needs for Future Steelmaking”, ASM Metals Progress, Detroit, Mich. Sept. 1984 (ASM Reprint No. 8404-005).
3. P.R. Bridenbaugh, “Integrated Manufacturing Technology: An Aluminum Overview”, ASM Metals Congress, Detroit, Mich. Sept. 1984 (ASM reprint No. 8408-008).
4. R. Mehrabian and H.N. Wadley, “Needs for Process Control in Advanced Materials Processing”, Journal of Metals, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp 51–58 (1985).
5. Anonymous, “Analysing Molten Steel with a Laser”, Photonics Spectra, Sept. 1983, p. 20.