1. C. D. Edwards, C. T. Steilzvied, L. J. Deutsch and L. Swanson, “NASA’s deep-space telecommunications road MAP,” TMO Progress Report 42–126, Feb. 1999.
2. E. Vassallo, G. P. Calzolari, S. Benedetto, and G. Montorsi, “More performant codes for deep-space missions: the turbo codes option,”
3. CCSDS recommendation for telemetry channel coding, Jun. 1998.
4. D. Divsalar and F. Pollara, “Turbo codes for deep-space communications,” TDA Progress Report, 42-120, Feb. 1995.
5. D. Divsalar and F. Pollara, “Multiple turbo codes for deep-space communications,” TDA Progress Report, 42-121, May. 1995.