1. H.J. Goldschmidt, “High Temperature Methods,” in X-Ray Diffraction by Polycrystalline Methods, The Institute of Physics, London, H. S. Peiser et al. (eds.) 1955, p. 242.
2. F. Schossberger, “High-Temperature X-Ray Diffraction,” in I. E. Campbell (ed.), High Temperature Technology, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1956, p. 490.
3. F.A. Mauer and L.H. Bolz, "Measurement of Thermal Expansion of Cermet Components by High Temperature," (a) X-Ray Diffraction: Nat. Bur. of Standards Rept. 3148, 1953, 39 pp.
4. (b) X-Ray Diffraction: Nat. Bur. of Standards Rept. 4685, 1956, 11 pp.
5. (c) X-Ray Diffraction: WADC Tech. Rept. 55-473, 1955, 57 pp.