1. H. Bass and J. Tate, The Milnor Ring of a Global Field, Springer LNM 342 (1973), 349–446.
2. S. J. Bloch, Higher Regulators, Algebraic K-theory, and Zeta Functions of Elliptic Curves, Irvine Lecture Notes, 1978, unpublished.
3. M. Bökstedt, M. Brun, and J. L. Dupont, Homology of O(n) and O 1(1,n) made discrete: an application of edgewise subdivision, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 123 (1998), 131–152.
4. A. Borel, Cohomologie de SL n et valeurs de fonctions zeta aux points entiers, Ann. Sci. Norm. Sup. Pisa, Cl. Sci. 4 (1977), 613–616, correction, ibid. 7 (1980) 373. See also Collected Papers, 3 (1983), 495-519.
5. R. Bricard, Sur une question de gééométrie relative aux polyèdres, Nouv. Ann. Math. 15 (1896), 331–334.