1. “On the Free Vibrations of an Infinite Plate of Homogeneous Isotropic Elastic Matter,” by Lord Rayleigh, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, London, England, vol. 10, 1889, pp. 225–234.
2. series A;H Lamb,1917
3. “On the Transverse Vibrations of Bars of Uniform Cross Section,” by S. Timoshenko, Philosophical Magazine, series 6, vol. 43, 1922, pp.125–131.
4. “Theory of Sound,” by Lord Rayleigh, second edition, The Macmillan Company, New York, N. Y., vol. 1, p. 258.
5. “On the Correction for Shear of the Differential Equation for Transverse Vibrations of Prismatic Bars,” by S. Timoshenko, Philosophical Magazine, series 6, vol. 41, 1921, pp. 744–746.