1. Personal communication with A. Daniels, Philips Laboratories, Briarcliff Manor, N.Y.
2. T. C. Nast and D. D. Murray, “Orbital Cryogenic Cooling of Sensor Systems,” AIAA Paper No. 76–979, presented at AIAA Technical Specialist Conference, Pasadena, California, October 1976
3. L. Naes and T. Nast, Long-Life Orbital Operation of Stirling Cycle Mechanical Refrigerators, Proc. of the Society of Photo-Optical Inst. Engr. 245(23):126(1980).
4. T. Nast, G. Bell, and C. Barnes, Development of Gas Gap Cryogenic Thermal Switch, in “Advances in Cryogenic Engineering” Vol 27, Plenum Press, New York (1982), p. 117.
5. M. M. Yovanovich and A. Hegazy, “An Accurate Universal Contact Conductance Correlation for Conforming Rough Surfaces with Different Micro-Hardness Profiles,” AIAA-83-1434, June 1–3, 1983, AIAA 18th Thermophysics Conference.