1. D. Güsewell, M. Barranco-Luque, S. Claudet, W.K. Erdt, P.K. Frandsen, Ph. Gayet, J. Schmid, N.O. Solheim, C. Titcomb and G. Winkler, Cryogenics for the LEP200 Superconducting Cavities at CERN, Proc. of the Particle Accel Conf. 1993, 2956-2958
2. B. Chromec, W.K. Erdt, D. Güsewell, K. Löhlein, A. Meier,.A.E. Senn, T. Saugy, N.O. Solheim, U. Wagner, G. Winkler, B. Ziegler et. al, A High Efficient 12 kW Refrigerator for the LEP200 Project at CERN, Proc. of the IISSC 1993, Supercollider 5, Plenum Press (1994) 95-100
3. G. Gistau and J. Veaux, A 12/18 kW at 4.5 K Helium refrigerator for CERN’s LEP superconducting accelerating cavities, Cryogenics(1994) 34 ICEC Supplement 103–106
4. S. Claudet, W.K. Erdt, P.K. Frandsen, Ph. Gayet, N.O. Solheim, C. Titcomb and G. Winkler, Four 12 kW/4.5 K Cryoplants at CERN, Cryogenics (1994) 34 ICEC Supplement 99–102
5. G. Winkler, Ph. Gayet, D. Güsewell and C. Titcomb, Cryogenics Operation and On Line Measurements of RF Losses in the SC Cavities of LEP2, Particle Accel. Conf.7995 Dallas