Acoustics: 1975–1995 and Beyond. Fin de siècle—Again


Beyer Robert T.


Springer New York

Reference162 articles.

1. Physics and Astronomy Classification Scheme, 1995. AIP Publ. R-261.13. American Institute of Physics, Woodbury, NY. The acoustics portion of this scheme is the outgrowth of the classification system started in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (JASA), by Floyd Firestone. In a Foreword to the first Cumulative Index (vol. 1–10), Firestone, who had become editor, wrote “Through flattery and other seductive means of persuasion, Editor F.R. Watson induced the present editor to undertake the preparation of the analytical subject index.” Succeeding editors have added to this index so that it covers in considerable detail all the current interest areas in acoustics, and provides a resource of inestimable value to researchers and historians.

2. L. Flax, G. Gaunaurd, and H. Überall, “The Theory of Resonance Scattering,” in Physical Acoustics, Academic Press, New York, NY, vol. XVI, 1981, pp. 191–194; G. Gaunaurd and H. Überall, “Resonances in Acoustic and Elastic-Wave Scattering,” in Recent Developments in Classical Wave Scattering (V.K. Varadan and V.V. Varadan, eds.), Pergamon, New York, NY, 1979, pp. 413-429. A sentence in the paper by Brill and Gaunaurd (Ref. [2]) may be applied to all of this work—“Recastings, reformulations, summaries, and computations of these classical solutions have appeared in recent years.” And still they come!

3. L. Flax, G. Gaunaurd, and H. Überall, “The Theory of Resonance Scattering,” in Physical Acoustics, Academic Press, New York, NY, vol. XVI, 1981, pp. 191–194; G. Gaunaurd and H. Überall, “Resonances in Acoustic and Elastic-Wave Scattering,” in Recent Developments in Classical Wave Scattering (V.K. Varadan and V.V. Varadan, eds.), Pergamon, New York, NY, 1979, pp. 413-429. A sentence in the paper by Brill and Gaunaurd (Ref. [2]) may be applied to all of this work—“Recastings, reformulations, summaries, and computations of these classical solutions have appeared in recent years.” And still they come!

4. G.C. Gaunaurd, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 84, S168 (1988); 85, S134 (1989). The author of this book was not unaffected by this brand of scattering; see US Patent No. 4, 339, 944, “Particle Identification by Ultrasonic Means,” issued July 1982 to L.R. Abts and R.T. Beyer.

5. R.T. Beyer, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 63, 1025–1030 (1978).







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