1. R. E. Henry, M. A. Grolmes, and H. K. Fauske, in: Heat Transfer at Low Temperatures (W. Frost, editor), Springer Science+Business Media New York, to be published.
2. Y. Y. Hsu, “Review of Critical Flow Propagation of Pressure Pulse and Sonic Velocity”, NASA TN D-6814, June 1972.
3. R. C. Johnson, “Thermodynamic Functions for Calculating the Critical Flow of Methane and Natural Gas Through Nozzles,” to be published as NASA Tech. Note.
4. J. C. Hesson and R. E. Peck, AIChEJ, 4 (2): 207 (1958).
5. R. J. Simoneau, R. E. Henry, R. C. Hendricks, and R. Watterson, “Two-Phase Critical Discharge of High Pressure Liquid Nitrogen,” paper presented at the 13th International Congress of Refrigeration, Washington, D.C., August 27–September 3, 1971.