1. J. W. Tatom, in: Proc. of the 1972 Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics Institute, Stanford Univ. Press, Stanford, California (1972), p. 321.
2. R. G. Schwind and G. C. Vliet, in: Proc. of the 1964 Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics Institute, Stanford Univ. Press, Stanford, California (1964), p. 51.
3. L. B. Evans, R. C. Reid, and E. M. Drake, AIChEJ., 14 (2): 251 (1968).
4. L. B. Evans, E. S. Matulevicius, and P. C. Pan, AIChEJ., 17 (3): 752 (1971).
5. H. Merte, Jr., J. A. Clark, H. Z. Barakat, “Finite Difference Solution of Stratification and Pressure Rise in Containers,” University of Michigan Tech. Rept., NASA CR8–20228 (1968).