1. D.O. Thompson, Proceedings of the ARPA/AFML Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Fourth Annual Report, Contract F33615–74-C-5180 ARPA/AFML,January 1979.
2. D.O. Thompson and R.B. Thompson, Proceedings of the Interdisciplinary Program for Quantitative Flaw Definition, Fifth Annual Report, Contract F33615–74-C-5180, ARPA/AFML,July 1980.
3. B. Khuri-Yakub, K. Liang, C.H. Chou and G.S. Kino, Proceedings of the ARPA/AFML Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Sixth Annual Report, in press.
4. J.M. Richardson and K.W. Fertig, Ibid.
5. C.W. Marschall and A. Rudnick, “Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics,”1, 69–92 (1973), edited by R.C. Bradt, D.P.H. Hasselman and F.F. Lange, Plenum Press.