1. P. M. Besuner, S. W. Hopkins, D. E. Allison, C. A. Rau, Jr., J. W. Eischer, Cost/Risk Analysis for Disk Retirement, Fifth and Sixth Interim Technical Reports, Contract F33615- 780C-5005, (Failure Analysis Associates,Palo Alto, Reports FAA-79–10-2 and FAA-80–2-2).
2. W. H. Lewis, W. H. Sproat, B. D. Dodd, J. M. Hamilton, “Reliability of nondestructive inspections/final report”, Lockheed Georgia Co., Report SA-ALC-MME 76–6-38–1, December, 1978.
3. K. Peterson, S. Bennett, and G. Kino, “Quantitative evaluation of real-time synthetic aperture imaging”, this proceedings.
4. K. M. Lakin, “Acoustic imaging with two- dimensional arrays”, ibid.
5. J. H. Rose and J. L. Opsal, “Current status of the inverse Born approximation”, ibid.