1. Furr, J. R., and W. W. Armstrong, Jr.: “Influence of Summer or Fall Drought on Hard End and Immature Shatter of Halawy Dates,” Date Growers’ Institute Report 37, 7–9 (1960).
2. Haas, A. R. C., and D. E. Bliss: “Growth and Composition of Deglet Noor Dates in Relation to Water Injury,” Hilgardia, 9, 295–344 (1935).
3. Long, E. M.: “Developmental Anatomy of the Fruit of the Deglet Noor Date,” Bot. Gaz., 104, 424–436 (1943).
4. Nixon, R. W.: “Growing Dates in the United States,” U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C., Agriculture Information Bulletin 207, (Revised periodically).
5. Perkins, R. M. and G. K. Brown: “Date Harvest Mechanization,” California Agriculture (February, 1966).