1. 1. A number of such reviews have already been done, including some by ourselves: e.g., Ronald Freedman and John Y. Takeshita, Family Planning in Taiwan: An Experiment in Social Change (Princeton University Press, 1969)
2. and Bernard Berelson, 'An evaluation of the effects of population control programmes;' in Population and Its Problems,The Wolfson College Lectures 1973, H. B. Parry, ed. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1974), pp. 133-168. See also the forthcoming volume edited by C. Chandrasekharan and A. Hermalin, Measuring the Effect of Family Planning Programs on Fertility (Ordina Editions, 1975).
3. 3. By way of illustration, these are among the critical commentaries: Action Pack (distributed by the World Population Year Secretariat of the UNFPA, 1974)
4. 4. Samir Amin, "Development strategies and population policies: Underpopulated Africa," in Population-EducationDevelopment in Africa South of the Sahara (meeting of experts, Dakar, UNESCO Regional Office for Education in Africa, November-December 1971)
5. Ahmed Bahri et al., "A new approach to population research in Africa: Ideologies, facts and policies," (Paper issued at the African Population Conference, Accra, December 1971)