1. J. N. Galloway, and E. B. Cowling. J. Air Poll. Cont. Assoc. 28:229 (1978).
2. J. S. Jacobson, and P. Van Leuken. Proc. Fourth Inter. Clean Air Congress, Tokyo, May 16–20 p. 124 (1977).
3. C. O. Tamm, and E. B. Cowling, Water, Air and Soil Poll. 7:503 (1977).
4. D. S. Shriner, Ph.D. Thesis, N.C. State Univ., Raleigh, N.C., 79 p. (1974).
5. D. S. Lang, D. S. Shriner, and S. V. Krupa, Proc. 71st Ann. Mtg. APCA, Houston, Paper #78-7. 3 (1978).