1. P.H. Boerse, “Electron Bombardment Induced Conductivity in Lead Monoxide,” in Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics, Vol. 22A, pp. 305–314 (1966), Academic Press, New York.
2. W.S. Boyle and G.E. Smith, Charge-coupled semiconductor devices, Bell System Tech. J.
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3. J.E. Carnes and W.F. Kosonocky, Noise sources in charge-coupled devices, RCA Rev,33 327–343 (1972). [See also M.F. Tompsett, The quantitative effects of interface states on the performance of charge coupled devices, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices
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4. M.H. Crowell, T.M. Buck, E.F. Labuda, J.V. Dalton, and E.J. Walsh, A camera tube with a silicon diode array target, Bell System Tech. J.
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5. P.T. Farnsworth, Television by electron-image scanning, J. Franklin Inst.
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