1. H. Kallmann and M. Willstätter, Naturwissenschaften, 20, 952 (1932).
2. H. Freundlich, Thixotropy, Volume 267 of Actualités Scienti-fiques et Industrielles, Hermann and Co., Paris, 1935.
3. E. J. W. Verwey and J. Th. G. Overbeek, Theory of the Stability of Lyophobic Colloids, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1948.
4. B. Derjaguin, Trans. Faraday Soc, 36, 203 (1940);
5. B.V. Derjaguin and L. D. Landau, Acta Phys. Chim. USSR, 14, 633 (1941).