1. S.J. Brodsky and G.P. Lepage, in 'Quantum Chromodynamics' the proceedings of the 1978 La Jolla Institute Summer Workshop, W. Frazer and F. Henyey (Eds.), AIP, 1979; Phys. Lett. 87B, 359 (1979);
2. Phys. Rev. Lett. 43, 545 (1979), Erratum ibid 43, 1625 (1979); 'Quantum Chromodyanmics' in the proceedings of the 1979 Summer Institute on Particle Physics at SLAG, Stanford, California; Phys. Rev. D22, 2157 (1980);
3. S.J. Brodsky, T. Huang and G.P. Lepage, see these proceedings.
4. Many early applications of these ideas are made by S.D. Drell, D. Levy and T.M. Yan, Phys. Rev. 187, 2159 (1969);
5. D1, 1617 (1970); 1035 (1970);