1. For a more general review of the status of QCD see C. H. Llewellyn Smith, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. (in press).
2. For reviews of tests of chiral symmetry see V. De Alfaro et al, “Currents in Hadron Physics”, North Holland, L973, or H. Pagels, Phys. Rep. 5, 219 (1975).
3. This result is due originally to Nambu. It was rediscovered by Lipkin and Feynman. See e. g. R. P. Feynman in “Weak and Electromagnetic Interactions at High Energy” ed. R. Balian and C. H. Llewellyn Smith, North Holland, 1977.
4. A. De Rujula, H. Georgi and S. L. Glashow, Phys. Rev. Dl2, 147 (1975).
5. N. Isgur, p. 30 in “High Energy Physics”, ed. L. Durand and L. G. Pondrom, American Inst, of Physics 1980.