1. S. Loeb, Desalination by Reverse Osmosis, Edited by U. Merten, MIT Press, p 55 (1966).
2. A. S. Michaels, Advances in Separations and Purifications, Edited by E. S. Perry, John Wiley & Sons (1968).
3. R. J. Mattson, and V. J. Tomsic, Chem. Eng. Prog., 65 (1), p 62 (1969).
4. H. I. Mahon, E. A. McLain, W. E. Skiens, B. J. Green, T. E. Davis, Chem. Eng. Prog., Symp. Ser., 69 (91), pp 48–51 (1969).
5. J. D. Bashaw, and T. A. Orofino, “Hollow Fibers for Reverse Osmosis”, presented at the Second Symposium on Reverse Osmosis, Miami, Fla. (1969).