1. R. Armenteros, E.G. Auld, D.A. Axen, G.A. Beer, J.C. Bizot, L. Cerrito, M. Comyn, W. Dahme, B. Delcourt, K.L. Erdman, P. Eschstruth, U. Gastaldi, G. Gräff, R. Howard, J. Jeanjean, H. Kalinowsky, F. Kayser, E. Klempt, R. Landua, C.J. Martoff, L.P. Robertson, Ch. Sabev, R. Schneider, O. Schreiber, U. Straumann, P. Truöl, J.B. Warren, B.L. White and R.W. Wodrich, A study of pp̄ interactions at rest in a H2 gas target at LEAR, CERN/PSCC 80–101 (1980).
2. For a review of work previous to 1969, see R. Armenteros and B. French, NN interactions, in High Energy Physics (ed. E.H.S. Burhop) (Academic Press Inc., New York, 1969), vol. 4, p. 383. Ref. 1 gives in sect. 2 an updated overview restricted to pp̄ interactions at rest.
3. J. Jeanjean, M. Jeanjean, R. Madaras, J.L. Masnou, J. Perez-Y Jorba, A. Quenzer, F. Rumpf, J.L. Bertrand, J.C. Bizot, R.L. Chase, A. Cordier, B. Delcourt, P. Eschstruth and G. Grosdidier, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 117 (1974) 349;
4. A. Cordier, B. Delcourt, P. Eschstruth, F. Fulda, G. Grosdidier, J. Haissinski, J. Jeanjean, M. Jeanjean, R. Madaras, J.L. Masnou, J. Perez-Y Jorba, A. Quenzer, F. Rumpf, J.L. Bertrand, J.C. Bizot and R.L. Chase, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 133 (1976) 237.
5. ASTERIX Collaboration, qq̄ spectroscopy and search for glueballs, baryonia and other boson resonances in pp̄ annihilations at rest with the ASTERIX experiment at LEAR, report to this workshop.