1. W. F. Adler, Assessment of the State of Knowledge Pertaining to Solid Particle Erosion. Tech. Report, Effects Technology, Inc. 1979, NTIS, Report No. ETI-CR79-680.
2. I. Finnie, Wear, 3:87 (1960).
3. J. G. A. Bitter, Wear, 6:5 (1963), also 6:169 (1963).
4. R. E. Winter, I. M. Hutchings, Wear, 29:181 (1974).
5. M. M. Mamoun, Mat. Sci. Div. Coal Tech. Third Quarterly Report No. ANL-75-XX3. Argonne National Lab (1975). Appendix: Analytical Models for the Erosive-Corrosive Wear Process.