1. Pope Pius XII. Address. Presented at First International Congress on Histopathology of Nervous System, Rome, Italy, September 14, 1952.
2. At the Brook Lodge Conference on “Problems and Complexities of Clinical Research” I commented that “what seem to be breaches of ethical conduct in experimentation are by no means rare, but are almost, one fears, universal.” I thought it was obvious that I was by “universal” referring to the fact that examples could easily be found in all categories where research in man takes place to any significant extent. Judging by press comments, that was not obvious; hence, this note.
3. Platt (Sir Robert), 1st part. Doctor and Patient: Ethics, morals, government. 87 pp. London: Nuffield provincial hospitals trust, 1963. Pp. 62 and 63.
4. Pappworth, M. H. Personal communication.
5. Beecher, H. K. Consent in clinical experimentation: Myth and reality. J.A.M.A. 195: 34, 1966.