1. Dale Baker, G. W. Gorsline, C. B. Smith, W. I. Thomas, W. E. Grube, and J. L. Ragland, Agron.J. 56
133–136 (1964).
2. P. N. Carpenter, Maine Agr. Exp. Sta., Misc. Publication 666 (1960).
3. R. P. Eardley and H. S. Clarke, Spectry
19 69–72 (1965).
4. J. B. Jones, Jr., Ohio Report 52, 24–26 (1967).
5. A. L. Kenworthy, Proc. 36th Annual Meeting, Council of Fertillizer Applications, Stillwater, Oklahoma, Aug 29,1960, National Plant Food Institute, pp. 39–50.