1. Gluskoter, H. J., Shimp, N. F., and Ruch, R. R.Chemistry of Coal Utilization,second supplementary volume, Elliott, M. A., ed., Wiley, New York, 1981.
2. Lehman, D.Internal Report,Public Service Company of Oklahoma, Northeastern Station, Oologah, OK, 1983, and personal communications, 1985.
3. Unsworth, F. J., Cunliffe, F., Graham, C. S., and Morgan, A. P.Fuel. 66,1672 (1987).
4. Reid, W. T.Chemistry of Coal Utilization,second supplementary volume, Elliott, M. A., ed., Wiley, New York, 1981.
5. Raask, E.Mineral Impurities In Coal Combustion,Hemisphere, New York, 1985.