1. Adams, J. R., 1973, The driver rehabilitation group leader: Who qualifies?, unpublished.
2. “Alcoholics Anonymous,” 1955, Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., New York.
3. Alconolics Anonymous, 1972a, “A.A. Wants to Work With You,” brochure, Professional Relations Committee, General Service Office, Alcoholics Anonymous, Box 459, New York 10017.
4. Alcoholics Anonymous, 1972b, “A.A. Guidelines for Members Employed in the Alcoholism Field” (those who wear “two hats”), brochure, Professional Relations Committee, General Service Office, Alcoholics Anonymous, Box 459, New York 10017.
5. Anderson, D., 1944, The place of the lay therapist in the treatment of alcoholics, Q. J. Stud. Alcohol 5:257.