1. Popa C (2004) FGMOST-based temperature-independent Euclidean distance circuit. In: International conference on optimization of electric and electronic equipment, pp 29–32, Brasov, Romania
2. Manolescu AM, Popa C (2009) Low-voltage low-power improved linearity CMOS active resistor circuits. Springer J Analog Integr Circuits Signal Process 62:373–387
3. Kao CH, Lin WP, Hsieh CS (2005) Low-voltage low-power current mode exponential circuit. In: IEE proceedings on circuits, devices and systems pp 633–635
4. Popa C (2003) CMOS current-mode pseudo-exponential circuits with superior-order approximation. In: IEEE-EURASIP workshop on nonlinear signal and image processing, Trieste, Italy (only CD)
5. Popa C (2004) CMOS current-mode high-precision exponential circuit with improved frequency response. In: International conference on automation, quality & testing, robotics pp 279–284, Cluj, Romania