1. F.J. Turner (1935) ‘Geological Investigation of the Nephrites, Serpentines and Related Greenstones used by the Maoris of Otago and South Canterbury’, Trans. Royal Society New Zealand, vol. 65: 187–231.
2. F. R. Chapman (1891) ‘On the Working of Greenstone’, Trans. New Zealand Institute, vol. 24: 479–539.
3. C. Heaphy (1862) ‘A Visit to the Greenstone Country’, Chapman’s New Zealand Monthly Magazine — in 2 parts: Oct. 1862 p. 107–111; Nov. 1862, 166–171.
4. Industrial Minerals and Rocks;MR Johnston,1983
5. J. M. Bell and C. Fraser (1906) ‘Geology of the Hokitika Sheet North Westland Quadrangle’, New Zealand Geological Survey Bulletin no. 1.