1. “Muon g-2 Design Report, BNL AGS E821, A New Precision Measurement of the Muon (g-2) Value at the Level of 0.35 ppm,” Third Edition, Brookhaven National Laboratory Report, April 1994 Draft
2. Advances in Cryogenic Engineering;RG Smits,1981
3. Brookhaven National Laboratory g-2 Note;MA Green,1993
4. Frank Kreith, Principles of Heat Transfer, International Textbook Company, Scranton, 1958
5. L. X. Jia et al. “Design Parameters for Gas-Cooled Electrical Leads for the g-2 Magnets,” to be published in the proceedings of the ICEC-15 Conference, Genova, Italy, 7 to 10 June 1994