1. L.R. Evans, “The Large Hadron Collider”, invited paper at the Particle Accelerator Conference, Dallas (1995).
2. R. Perin for the LHC Magnet Team, “Status of LHC Programme and Magnet Development”, invited paper at the Applied Superconductivity Conference, Boston (1994).
3. Ph. Lebrun, “Superfluid Helium Cryogenics for the Large Hadron Collider Project at CERN”, Cryogenics 34ICEC Supplement, pp.1–8 (1994).
4. L. Evans, “Advanced Technology Issues in the LHC Project”, Proc. EPAC’94 Vol.1, World Scientific, pp. 429–433 (1994).
5. P. Faugeras, for the LHC String Team, “Assembly and Commissioning of the LHC Test String”, paper presented at the Particle Accelerator Conference, Dallas (1995).