1. Thadd C. Patton and David K. Hsu, “Ultrasonic NDE of Adhesive and Sealant Bonded Aluminum Lap Joints”, Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation. Vol. 11, edited by D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti, (Plenum Press, New York), 1299–1306, 1992.
2. This sample was provided by Boeing Commercial Airplane Group.
3. This set of samples was provided by McDonnell Aircraft Company.
4. H. Aglan, L. Kennebrew, D. K. Hsu and T. C. Patton, “Correlation of NDE Parameters with Fatigue Lifetime of Aircraft Adhesive Bonds”, these proceedings.
5. T. C. Patton and D. K. Hsu, “Investigation of Corrosion in Aluminum/Adhesive Lap Splices Using Pulse-Echo Ultrasonic Techniques”, these proceedings.