1. A. F. Alber, Videotex/Teletext: Principles and Practices, McGraw-Hill, New York (1985).
2. N. J. Bamberg, Videotex Production: A Case Study, report no. 2 of the Electronic Text Report Series, an Annenberg/CPB Report, San Diego State University, CA (1984).
3. R. E. Bergman and T. V. Moore, Managing Interactive Video/Multimedia Projects, Educational Technology Publications, Englewood Cliffs, NJ (1990).
4. M. Eagle, On Opening the Number One Bottleneck in Online Service—Data Entry, Proceedings of the Eighth National Online Meeting, Learned Information, Medford, NJ (1987).
5. Frame by Frame, AT&T Information Systems, (1985), pp. 1-9.