1. G. Andermann, J. L. Jones, and E. Davidson, “The Evaluation of the PXQ for the Analysis of Cements and Related Materials,” Advances in X-Ray Analysis, Vol. 2, University of Denver, Plenum Press, New York, 1960, p. 215.
2. W. R. Kiley, “A Universal Detector for the X-ray Spectograph,” Advances in X-Ray Analysis, Vol. 2, University of Denver, Plenum Press, New York, 1960, p. 293.
3. J. F. Crooke and W. R. Kiley, “Determination of Iron, Calcium, Silicon, Aluminum, and Magnesium in Raw-MixCement,” Norelco Reporter, Vol. 6, No. 1, 1959, p. 29.
4. E. A. Curley, “Quantitative Light Element Analysis Fe to Mg for Portland Cement by X-ray Spectrography,” presented at the Third Pacific Area National Meeting of the American Society for Testing Materials, October 1959, San Francisco.
5. B. E. Kester, “Developments in X-ray Spectrography in the Cement Manufacturing Process During 1959 and 1960,” presented to the AIEE Cement Industry Conference, May 1960, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.