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2. Benforado, J. and Bastian, R.K. (1985). Natural waste treatment. McGraw-Hill yearbook of science and technology. McGraw-Hill, New York, 33–49.
3. Brinson, M.M. and Westall, F.R. (1983). Application of wastewater to wetlands. Rpt.No.5, Water Research Inst., University of North Carolina, Raleigh, NC, 26 pp.
4. Ewel, K.C. and Odum, H.T. (eds) (1985). Cypress Swamps. University Presses of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 490 pp.
5. Gearheart, R.A., Williams, J., Holbrook, H. and Ives, M. (1986). Bacteria speciation and harvesting effects on effluent quality. Final Project Report (Proj. No. 3–154–500–0) submitted to the Calif. State Water Resources Control Bd. by the Env. Resources Engr. Dept., Humbolt State University, Areata, CA, 114 pp.