1. A.V. Aho, J.E. Hopcroft and J.D. Ullman (1974), The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms, Addison- Wesley.
2. Laszlo Babai, “Moderately Exponential Bound for Graph Isomorphism,” Proc. Conf. on Fundamentals of Computation Theory, Szeged, August 1981.
3. L. Babai, W.M. Kantor, E.M. Luks, “Computational Complexity and the Classification of Finite Simple Groups, ” 24th IEEE FOCS Symp., (1983), 162–171.
4. Laszlo Babai and Luděk Kučera (1980), “Canonical Labelling of Graphs in Linear Average Time,” 20th IEEE Symp. on Foundations of Computer Science, 39–46.
5. Laszlo Babai and Eugene M. Luks, “Canonical Labeling of Graphs,” 15th ACM STOC Symp., (1983), 171–183.