1. Office of Technology Assessment, Energy from Biological Processes, OTA-E-124 (1980).
2. C. J. Singer, History of Technology. Vol. 4 (Oxford, 1958) p. 252.
3. G. Egloff and P Van Arsdell, “Motor Vehicles Propelled by Producer Gas,” Petroleum Engineer
15, 645 (1943).
4. Generator Gas: The Swedish Experience from 1939–1945, SERI/TP-49-183, edited by T. B. Reed (Solar Energy Research Institute, Golden, Colo., 1979) Republished with index by TIPI Workshop, Allenspark, Colo., Nov. 1982.
5. Retrofit’ 79: Proceedings of a Workshop on Air Gasification, Seattle, Wash.; 2 Feb. 1979, edited by T. B. Reed and D Jantzen, SERI/TP-49-183, (Solar Energy Research Institute, Golden, Colo., 1979).