1. H. Tipton, W.D. Poland, F.C. Bobb, and W.C. McKorkle, ORNL-CF, 53–8-4 (1953)
2. I.H. Tipton, R.L. Steiner, W.D. Poland, J. Mueller, and M. Stanley, ORNL-CF, 54–12-66 (1954).
3. I.H. Tipton, M.J. Cook, R.L. Steiner, W.D. Poland, D.K. Bowman, and K.K. McDaniel, ORNL-CF, 56–3-60 (1956).
4. I.H. Tipton, M.J. Cook, R.L. Steiner, J.M. Poland, K.K. McDaniel, and S.D. Fentress, ORNL-CF, 57–2-2 (1957).
5. I.H. Tipton, M.J. Cook. R.L. Steiner, J.M. Poland, K.K. McDaniel, and S.D. Fentress, ORNL-CF, 54–2-3 (1957).