1. A. J. Lankford and G. P. Dubois, “Overview of data filtering/acquisition for a 4π detector at the SSC”, in Proceedings of the Workshop on Triggering, Data Acquisition and Computing for High Energy/Nigh Luminosity Hadron-Hadron Colliders, Fermilab, November 11–14, 1985, pp. 185–199
2. Hereafter these Proceedings will be referred to as Workshop 85.
3. W. Sippach, G. Benenson and B. Knapp, “Real time processing of detector data”, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science NS-27, 578–581 (1980).
4. Paolo Franzini, “Lowest level trigger for SSC general purpose detectors”, in Workshop 85, pp. 93–105.
5. P. S. Cooper, J. Dunlea, H. Kasha, S. Klein, W. M. Morse, L. Paffrath and M. Sheaff, “Data filtering-acquisition group: report of the hardware subgroup”, in Workshop 85, pp. 200–210.