1. G. H. Heilmeier, L. A. Zanoni, and L. A. Barton, Proc. IEEE, 56, 1162 (1968).
2. G. H. Heilmeier, J. A. Castellano and L. A. Zanoni, Mol. Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 5, in press. This paper was presented at the 2nd Int. Liquid Crystal Conference, Kent State Univ., Kent, Ohio, August 1968.
3. G. H. Heilmeier and J. E. Goldmacher, Appl. Phys. Letters, 13, 132 (1968).
4. G. H. Heilmeier, L. A. Zanoni, and J. E. Goldmacher, Abstracts of Papers, presented at 158th National ACS Meeting, New York, 1969.
5. All melting points are corrected. Elemental analyses were performed by B. Goydish and A. Murray of RCA Laboratories.