1. American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, Threshold Limit Values of Physical Agents Adopted by ACGIH for 1977, ACGIH, Cincinnati, OH (1979).
2. American National Standards Institute, The Safe Use of Lasers, Proposed Standard Z-136.1 (1976).
3. Barnes, F. S., Biological damage resulting from thermal pulses, in Laser Applications in Medicine and Biology (Ed., M. L. Wolbarsht), Plenum Press, NY, 2: (1974).
4. Beatrice, E. S. and Frisch, G. D., Retinal laser damage thresholds as a function of image diameter, Arch. Environ. Health, 27: 322–6 (November, 1973).
5. Boettner, E. A. and Wolter, J. R., “Transmission of the Ocular Media,” Invest. Ophthal. 1: 776–783 (1962) (AD 282100); see also Boettner, E. A., Spectral Transmission of the Eye, Final Report AF 41 (609)-2996 (July, 1967) (AD 663246).