1. McElroy, D. L., Graves, R. S., Yarbrough, D. W., and Tong, T. W., “Non-Steady State Behavior of Thermal Insulations,” 9th European Conference on Thermophysical Properties, R. Taylor (Editor), 1986.
2. Tong, T. W., McElroy, D. L. and Yarbrough, D. W., “Transient Radiation and Conduction Heat Transfer in Porous Thermal Insulations,” ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Paper No. 84-WA/HT-102, 1984, also published in Journal of Thermal Insulation, Vol. 9, 1985, pp. 13 - 29.
3. Yarbrough, D. W., McElroy, D. L., Tong, T. W., and Wood III, J. K., “Analysis of Transient Thermal Measurements on Fibrous Insulations Obtained with an Unguarded Flat Tester,” 4th International Chemical Engineering Conference, CHEMPOR ’85, Coimbra, Portugal, 1985.
4. Tong, T. W., “Analysis of Transient Behavior and Radiation Measurements of Commercial Thermal Insulation,” Oak Ridge National Laboratory Report, ORNL/SUB/83-43366/1, 1985.
5. H. A. Fine, S. H. Jury, D. W. Yarbrough, and D. L. McElroy, “Analysis of Heat Transfer in Building Thermal Insulation,” ORNL/TM-7481 (December, 1980 ).