1. Governor’s Coastal Water Management Task Force (1982) Final Report, North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development, 1 December
2. Hawkins, D.E. (1983) Water management concepts that benefit agriculture, forestry, and fishery resources. Am. Soc. Agric. Eng., Paper No. 83-2603
3. Doty, C.W. (1980) Cropwaters supplied by controlled and reversible drainage, Trans. ASAE, 23(5), 1122–30
4. Skaggs, R.W. (1977) Evaluation of drainage-water table control systems using a water management model. Proc. Third National Drainage Symposium, ASAE Publication, 1-77, pp. 61–8
5. Skaggs, R.W. (1981) Water movement factors important to the design and operation of sub-irrigation systems. Trans. ASAE, 24(6), 153–61