1. D. J. Bergstrand and K. F. Jones, On upper bound graphs of partially ordered sets, mimeographed, Department of Mathematics, University of Colorado, Denver, CO, 1988; submitted for publication.
2. R. W. Burnett, H. I. Fisher, and H. S. Zim, “Zoology: An Introduction to the Animal Kingdom,” Golden Press, New York, 1958.
3. C. Cable, K. F. Jones, J. R. Lundgren, and S. Seager, Niche graphs, (1988) to appear in Disc. Appl. Math.
4. J. E. Cohen, “Food Webs and Niche Space,” Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1978.
5. J. E. Cohen, Interval graphs and food webs: A finding and a problem, Rand Corporation Document 17696-PR, Santa Monica, CA, 1968.