1. Williams, M. M. R., “Slowing Down and Thermalization of Neutrons,” North Holland.
2. Weinberg, A. M. and Wigner, W. P., “Physical Theory of Neutron Chain Reactors,” University of Chicago, 1958.
3. Carlson, B. and Bell, V. J., “Solution of the Transport Equation by the SN Method,” Proceedings of the Second Geneva Conference, Page 2386, 1958.
4. Green, C., “The Winfrith DSN Program, Mark 2.” AEEW-R498, 1967.
5. Askew, J. R. and Brissenden, R. J., “Some Improvements in the DSN Method of B. Carlson for Solving the Neutron Transport Equation,” AEEW-R161, 1963s